“Your partner, your spouse, your better half. When the person you shared so much of life with is gone, you can feel like your world is empty. Carrying on with life can seem impossible at times. Here is important advice for healing and living a fulfilling life.”
Why Do I Hair So Much?
"In the afterglow of my celebration, I suddenly felt guilty again. Whether it was for wanting to cut my hair while so many are just happy to have ANY; for being cancer-free while so many of my survivor sisters still struggle; or for my own mother and boyfriend who had to put their lives on hold to take care of me during cancer, the guilt lingers long after treatment ends."
PLC20: An Open Letter to Tim Howard and Cremo
"November is commonly known as No Shave November, a month for men to grow their beards freely. What's less well-known, but infinitely more important, is the why. It was originally designed as a month to spread awareness about men's cancers and health. The creators? A family who lost a father and a husband to colon cancer.
Unfortunately, on social media, it's become an excuse for men to skip shaving their beards and to instead post vain pictures for a month. We must do better, and in fact I have a few ideas on how to get the ball rolling. But this letter isn't about me. It's about you.
You are part of the problem."